
This is a place to learn more on the journey to building a more confident and joyful life.  You will find tons of teen tips and wisdom on growing up a more empowered young woman.


This is a place to learn more on the journey to building a more confident and joyful life.  You will find tons of teen tips and wisdom on growing up a more empowered young woman.

It Takes a Village to Raise a Child, But Who is the Village Now? help for teenage daughter life coach for teens Jun 19, 2023

 "It takes a village to raise a child." This ancient African proverb rings truer than ever today. The village, however, looks starkly different from when we were growing up. Today's parents...

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Summer routines to reduce anxiety in teenage girls help for teenage daughter life coach for teens summer routines teen anxity Jun 05, 2023

The summer season can be a difficult time for teenage girls, with school being out and extra free time on their hands. But even during these uncertain times, there is still hope! Incorporating a...

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Developing Self-Worth: A Guide for Teenage Girls and their Moms. help for teenage daughter self-worth May 29, 2023


Being a teenager is tough, especially for girls. With all the changes happening in their lives, they often struggle with self-worth and making healthy decisions. As their mom, you have a...

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